Blog Archive

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

The Observer

This is a double post. But first, a quick excuse as to why I haven't posted in so long. I needed an SD card reader to upload my pictures. Mom and Dad were amazing enough to send me one, but unfortunately it was the wrong size. I went to Honolulu yesterday and bought one though, so here we are! First I'll show you some long overdue pictures of my (newish) house.

Important note: literally nothing you see in this picture is mine.
It's all my roommate's.
What a pig.

In this picture however, (you guessed it!) the Chinese
flashcards are mine and everything in at desk space
are mine. Nothing else.

Who needs their bike indoors?

The box my fan is on is covered in a garbage bag because it got
covered in mold. Like almost everything I own.

Now onto the second part of my post. I went to Waikiki for the first time and I didn't bother taking any pictures of myself (sorry). Instead, I decided to people watch, and here are some of the things I saw:

Ala Moana parking lot. I've never seen an elevated palm tree before

One of these seems a little out of place...

So many yachts....

While I walked around just observing the people around me, I received an epiphany: there is absolutely wrong with acting like a tourist. Tourists are simply people who aren't afraid to show that they appreciate where they are and that they're making the best of it. I want to act like a tourist every day for the rest of my time here, to experience everything that I can and appreciate it for all it's worth. I'm so glad I made this trip and I plan to make many more like it and fully soak up all the beauty that this island has to offer.

One last thought. I've been learning who I am and embracing that person, and as part of that I've been developing my hobbies, no matter how silly or ridiculous. So I invite anyone who cares to visit my Webcomic, "Serious Stuff" at:

I love you all! I miss you and hope everyone's loving life as much as I am!

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