Blog Archive

Friday, February 25, 2011

Long Overdue

I know this update is long overdue, and although I'd like to have an excuse like I'm too busy with work or classes or something, I don't. Don't get me wrong, I am busy, but not too busy as to keep from me from updating. The honest answer is I'm boring, and when something happens I don't usually have my camera on me. With a month left I'm going to make an effort though. So I'll fill you in on what's happened.

About two weeks ago BYUH had what we call "Food Fest", which is really just an excuse to eat as much ethnic food as you can. They claim it's to celebrate the cultural diversity on the campus, but we know that's not true. Unfortunately, I was only able to go for the last half-hour when things were winding down because I got off of work so late. Also unfortunately, I only had my camera phone, so this pictures will have to suffice.

Japanese club. They weren't selling food. They were selling glances at
their cute servers. Ow!

Maybe I've told you about Bubble Drink. If I haven't, it's pretty much
coconut milk with rose petals. Those black lumps in the bottom, those are the
flower petals and they feel disgusting when you swallow.

Finally a picture of me, sorry it's so bad. This is Lepi and me,
Lepi's my new supervisor at work, so ignore the fact that
he's trying to kiss me or else he can make my work experience a real nightmare.

Food fest was really fun, I ate my weight in Micronesian food and partied all night long!

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