Blog Archive

Thursday, October 22, 2009


That friend's been on my mind a lot and in my prayers consistently for the last few days, and today I made a discovery that breaks my heart. I know that's an overused cliche, but I'm not exaggerating when I say that this is one of the most devastating things that I've ever experienced, I literally didn't know how to respond and I still don't. I'll still pray for her and think of her and I wish her the best, but today I was on her "info" tab in FaceBook and saw that it's not just a matter of not believing in the church, she's actively involved in a lot of anti-Mormon groups.

It's funny though, because because now I have a stronger desire to share with everyone what I believe in, what I stand for. It's interesting that in every bad situation some good can emerge.

Don't get me wrong though everyone, please keep praying for her because I know that Heavenly Father will help her if we have faith that He'll help the right thing to happen. Heavenly Father won't ever give up on her and I don't want any of us to either.

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